Wednesday 26 December 2012

Drafting newspaper advertisement

To be able to get the viewer interested we decided to create a documentary that would quite shock them, this would mean that they would remember about the documentary. We got the idea of people because of course people have hair but we would make the people stand out by making them look different than they normally are seen, because our documentary was focused on hair we wanted the poster to also be focused on hair. Taking away the the face this made the main focus of the poster the hair. Before starting we drew out what we wanted the poster to look like as a rough idea. Here is the rough sketch:

We decided that we wanted to put two girls and one boy on the poster, this was because even though the documentary is for both genders we think that there would be more girls interested. Here are the original photographs before we started to edit them:

We edited these photographs on Adobe Photoshop using different tools like colour variations, heeling, text, drop shadows and cloning. Using these created the poster. We think we experimented quite a lot with Photoshop to try and create the poster but we also went with codes and conventions of normal Channel 4 posters like the use of boxes text and we also looked a lot of text to try and get the closest match to the Channel 4 text. These are the edits separately: 

Thursday 20 December 2012

Codes and coventions of radio trailers

Voice-over- In a typical documentary a question is normally asked to make the audience think about the question and then they could answer it. The voiceover is not suppose to be heard the whole time, just when the audience may need guiding.

Background music- The background music changes volume throughout the documentary so that when there are interview being shown for example so it doesnt distract the audience from watching it.

Sound bites- These are sound clips form the documentary so the audience can hear some of the things they will be watching. There are always funny/serious clips depending on how the documentary is being shown.

Voiceover for radio trailer

Song begins- Mcfly Five colours in her hair

MVO- Have you ever had a hair disaster?

-Montage of clips from documentary-

Hairdresser: It was singed not far from the root area

Student: In some places it was really low...

MVO: We are all so obsessed with our hair that we get influenced by celebrity

Vox Pops: I quite like Gloria Hunniford

Vox Pop: I like pink

MVO: Watch Hair Disasters on Channel 4 at 8pm Friday

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Running order

Documentary: Hair Disasters
Channel: Channel 4
Scheduling: Friday 11th Januaray 8pm
Duration: 27 Minutes (including advert break)