The topic of the documentary is hair, different types, hairstyles, dying ect. The type of the documentary will be mixed because we will have narration as well as interviews. Its a modern style that is used quite often now for reporting. We want our documentary on Channel 4 as this is where most mixed documentaries are shown and are most popular. It will be shown 8pm-8.30pm, its will be followed directly after the 7 o'clock news which is what most people are watching then. Also by 8pm most of the popular soaps have finished so people are looking for something else to watch which could be our documentary. Its also during the watershed so the younger audience might be interested in watching it too. The target audience will be a wide audience from young to old as the topic of hair reaches out and interests most people, this will give a popular viewings because there will be many people watching the documentary. It will be based on hair disasters, things that have gone wrong with peoples hair, like cuts, dying ect. Colour scheme is going to be blue and pink because they are gender friendly for both genders, males and female. They are going to be light colours so that they are not distracting from the footage.
Primary research would be finding people to interview, permission with golden square for vox pops.
Secondary research would be tutorials, music for the background.
The outline will be montage for the introduction of what will be in the documentary, video tutorials, facts.
Cameras (small and big), tripod, people to interview
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