Thursday 29 November 2012

Target audience research

The questionnaire we gave 30 people and asked then to fill out:

The results after we calculated everything up and created pie charts using Microsoft excel.

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6;

Question 7:

Question 8:

Question 9:

Question 10: 

We asked these questions to some of the public so we can get an idea of what they like and dislike as well as what they are interested in. What we could also use these statistics for is facts that we could maybe include into the documentary in some way. The first few questions were about age, gender ect because we needed to know what who our audience would be and what sort of audience we wanted it to be targeted to. Age seemed to be a big variety of people and we decided that we would reach out to a wide variety of ages because most people are always interested in hair in some way. Our target audience would be 16-30 because thats where the ages were more interested in hair and cared about it.

Also here are some video recordings of some people answering the questions:

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